A Trip to the Shimen National Forest Park

Shimen National Forest has its own tulips flower festival
One of the flower displays to rival Albion's spring bloom is Shimen National Forest's

Nestled within the picturesque landscapes of South China lies a hidden gem waiting to be explored – Shimen National Forest Park. This tranquil oasis, designated as a national tourism resort, offers a sanctuary for nature enthusiasts and weary souls seeking solace amidst breathtaking scenery and pristine wilderness.

As the first international forest bathing spot, Shimen National Forest Park invites visitors to immerse themselves in the soothing embrace of nature’s embrace. Towering mountains reach skyward, adorned with layers of ethereal clouds that seem to dance in harmony with the wind. Magnificent valleys weave through the landscape, showcasing a myriad of natural wonders and providing a haven for a diverse array of plant and animal species.

Overhead view of the beautiful Shimen forest
Overhead view of the beautiful Shimen forest canopy.

The park’s crown jewel is its remarkable forest coverage, boasting an impressive 98.9 percent canopy that blankets the terrain like a lush green carpet. Within this verdant expanse lie mainly three categories of trees: maple, sapium discolor, and Red Maple, each contributing to the park’s rich biodiversity. From the vibrant hues of maple leaves to the stately presence of Red Maple trees, the forest comes alive with a symphony of colors and textures.
One of the most impressive things you come away thinking about for a long time are the canopies of trees that dominate every location in the park. The park has a self-described forest coverage of 96.58% and the mixture of trees is Red Maple, Sweetgum, and a Mountain Tallow Tree (aka “Sapium Discolor”).

Among the towering trees and lush undergrowth, a diverse array of fauna calls Shimen National Forest Park home. From elusive deer and playful squirrels to colorful birds and rare butterflies, the park is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers alike. Keep your eyes peeled for the elusive South China tiger, whose presence adds a touch of mystery to the park’s natural tapestry.

At the heart of Shimen National Forest Park lie its pristine reservoirs, totaling an expansive 883 mu of serene waters. Among them, the majestic Taoyuan Reservoir reigns supreme, its mirror-like surface reflecting the surrounding hills and valleys like shimmering gemstones adorning the landscape.

Exploring Shimen National Forest Park is a journey through five spectacular scenic zones, each offering a unique glimpse into the park’s natural splendor. From the tranquil Rural Scenery Zone to the rugged Canyon Adventure Zone, visitors are treated to over 50 different scenic spots, each more captivating than the last.

One of the park’s highlights is the mesmerizing display of seasonal blooms that paint the landscape in vibrant hues throughout the year. From the delicate red lotus that blooms in January to the fiery red autumnal leaves that adorn the trees from November to January, each season brings its own spectacle of color and beauty.

For those with a penchant for adventure, Shimen National Forest Park offers a myriad of activities to satisfy the thrill-seeker within. Embark on a journey through the Nanlong Deep and Secluded Valley, where towering cliffs and cascading waterfalls create an awe-inspiring backdrop for exploration. Or ascend to the summit of Tiantangding and witness the breathtaking panorama of the Three Celestial Beings Meeting, a sight that will leave you speechless.

In the city
Amazing natural beauty with close access from the center of one of China’s largest cities.

No visit to Shimen National Forest Park would be complete without indulging in the region’s bountiful harvest of fruits. From luscious plums in March to juicy oranges in October, the park’s orchards offer a tantalizing array of flavors to delight the palate.

As you explore the wonders of Shimen National Forest Park, take a moment to immerse yourself in the tranquility of nature’s embrace. Amidst the grandeur of imposing mountains and serene reservoirs, find solace in the simple pleasures of a leisurely stroll or a quiet moment of reflection. For in this enchanted realm, where nature reigns supreme, every moment is a reminder of the beauty and wonder that surrounds us.

Address: Dalingshan Forest, Wenquan Town (Township)

Embark on a journey of discovery and serenity at Shimen National Forest Park, where nature’s grandeur awaits at every turn.

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